sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011

How Earthquakes Trigger Tsunamis - formação de terremotos e Tsunamis- BBC One

Gente essa dica é do blog de TIM and Tammy
nessa época onde se fala demais em catástrofes, aqui está um vídeo bem interessante sobre a formação de terremotos e Tsunamis.

Click on this link to download a fill-in-the-blank exercise:

SCRIPT AND VOCABULARY (Tradução Em Português)

Earthquakes are caused by the movement of the huge tectonic plates that continents sit on.

==> huge = enormes
==> that continents sit on = onde estão situados os continentes

What happens is they come together and one - in this case, the pacific plate - is moving below the Japanese or Eurasian plate.  And it causes that plate to bend when it sticks there.  

==> they come together = eles se encontram
==> bend = "dobrar", envergar
==> stick = ficar preso

There will be a bit too much friction.  It will stick.  Pressure builds up until, suddenly, it's released - and flick!  

==> (Pressure) builds up = (A pressão) aumenta
==> suddenly = de repente
==> it's released = é liberado
==> flick = som de uma "chicotada", som de um movimento rápido

Have a look at this.  Now this is the tectonic plate that Japan is set on.  And here's the Pacific plate coming down underneath it.  And normally they want to move together at about 9 cm a year, but sometimes they get stuck.  And when they get stuck, the energy of the "moving together" gets translated to strain energy, literally flex(ing) and bending these huge slabs of rock.  And energy builds and builds, flexing and bending more and more.  

==> have a look at this = dê uma olhada nisto
==> that Japan is set on = no qual está situado o Japão
==> coming down = descend
==> underneath = por baixo
==> get stuck = ficam presos
==> the energy gets translated (in)to = a energia é "traduzida" (convertida) em
==> strain = tensão, pressão
==> slabs = placas (de rocha)
==> flex and bend = flexionar e entortar
==> more and more = cada vez mais

When they finally slip, that stored energy, all that twist and bend in the rock gets released into sudden movement ... like that!  

==> stored = armazenado  
==> twist and bend = deformação ("torcida") e curvatura
==> gets released = é liberado
==> sudden movement = movimento repentino
==> like that = assim , desta forma

As you can see, it literally flicks up, moving the ocean floor above it, which moves the ocean, causing a tsunami.  

==> flicks up = "pula" (repentinamente) para cima
==> above = acima

So here we've got a bigger submarine version of what's going on.  And this gives a representation of what's been happening 24 km below the ocean surface in the Japan trench.  

==> what's going on = o que está acontecendo
==> what's been happening = o que tem acontecido/ocorrido
==> surface = superfície

And these things work in what they called a slip-stick way.  Most of the time, they're suck, but occasionally they slip.  And that's what an earthquake is.  So we've got it here.  This is  bent up here - full of pent up energy waiting to slip.  And when the slip happens, that energy gets released into the ocean, causing a series of tsunami waves, moving in both directions across the Pacific.  

==> stuck = passado de "stick"
==> that's what = é isso que é
==> bent up = dobrado/envergado para cima
==> pent up (energy) = (energia) "contida"/ "presa" / " reprimida"
==> released = liberada
==> waves = ondas