Um blog onde você pode reciclar sua forma de aprender e estudar. Assim como também divertir-se.
sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011
SOMEONE LIKE YOU (Adele) Letra e tradução - By Prestone ヅ
Best Cd in 2011... Try to listen and read the lyrics to improve pronounciation...
domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011
Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden by:Antonio Pantano
Tente essa página você encontrará exercícios com essa música e muitas outras também...
Textos e questões de Vestibular e Enem
Gente nesse link vocês podem escolher a região do Brasil onde vocês prestarão o vestibular e escolher a prova mais apropriada de acordo com a sua região e a faculdade escolhida, vale a pena verificar, cada Universidade tem suas particularidades ao preparar suas provas.... Boa sorte...
Need You Now - Lady Antebellum (Boyce Avenue feat. Savannah Outen acoust...
Cross your mind ... What does it mean? Do I ever Cross your mind?
It happens with me all the time...
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved (Boyce Avenue feat. Tiffany Alvord acoustic...
I don't mind spending every day out on your corner on a pouring day...
Só para relaxar.... lindo som.. Procurem por Phrasal verbs na música....
Quais são e o significado?
Did I mention anything about False friends? opsss.. Here you go...
Gente nesse link vocês podem curtir mais uma série de exercícios on line sobre false friends, tem a opção de ver a correção após o término... Não vale colar...
Novos exercícios com Phrasal verbs
Go for it guys... Try these exercises and see how you get ....
Finding out about Greasy Spoons
ótimo site para quem quer praticar o inglês e também aprender algo sobre o passado... Como era antes... Try this...
quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011
Resolva as questões e use o cronômetro para avaliar seu tempo...
Resolva as questões e use o cronômetro para avaliar seu tempo...
domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011
Passado Perfeito
Past Perfect - Positive and Negative
Make the positive or negative past perfect simple
1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film (start).
2) She (live) in China before she went to Thailand.
3) After they (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
4) If you (listen) to me, you would have got the job.
5) Julie didn’t arrive until after I (leave).
6) When we (finish) dinner, we went out.
7) The garden was dead because it (be) dry all summer.
8) He (meet) her somewhere before
9) We were late for the plane because we (forget) our passports.
. 10) She told me she (study) a lot before the exam.
11) The grass was yellow because it (not/rain) all summer.
12) The lights went off because we (not/pay) the electricity bill.
13) The children (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.
14) They (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.
15) We couldn’t go into the concert because we (not/bring) our tickets.
16) She said that she (not/visit) the UK before.
17) Julie and Anne (not/meet) before the party.
18) I (not/have) breakfast when he arrived.
Past Perfect - Positive and Negative
Make the positive or negative past perfect simple
1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film (start).
2) She (live) in China before she went to Thailand.
3) After they (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
4) If you (listen) to me, you would have got the job.
5) Julie didn’t arrive until after I (leave).
6) When we (finish) dinner, we went out.
7) The garden was dead because it (be) dry all summer.
8) He (meet) her somewhere before
9) We were late for the plane because we (forget) our passports.
. 10) She told me she (study) a lot before the exam.
11) The grass was yellow because it (not/rain) all summer.
12) The lights went off because we (not/pay) the electricity bill.
13) The children (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.
14) They (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.
15) We couldn’t go into the concert because we (not/bring) our tickets.
16) She said that she (not/visit) the UK before.
17) Julie and Anne (not/meet) before the party.
18) I (not/have) breakfast when he arrived.
Diferença entre Passado Simples e Presente Perfeito
O simple past é usado quando nos referimos a eventos que ocorreram em um tempo detrminado no passado.
Sendo assim, podemos concluir que o Simple Past é usado:
Para ações que se completaram no passado em tempo definido estabelecido na frase.
Ex: He died in 1908. (Ele morreu em 1908).
Em contextos que nos reportem ao passado, mesmo desprovido de indicação temporal.
Ex: I’m sorry about last night. The train was 10 minutes late. (Desculpe-me sobre a noite passada. O trem estava 10 minutos atrasado).
O Simple Past é um tempo verbal simples, formado apenas por um verbo principal flexionado na forma do passado, e que faz uso do verbo auxiliar apenas nas formas interrogativas e negativas.
A flexão do verbo no passado será feita diferentemente para verbos regulares e irregulares. Os verbos regulares recebem a terminação –ed para formar o passado.
Os tempos verbais simples necessitam de um verbo auxiliar para formarem frases interrogativas e negativas. O Simple Past usará o verbo auxiliar did para todas as pessoas, indistintamente. Da mesma forma que o Simple Present na terceira pessoa do singular requer que o “s” seja retirado do verbo que já está flexionado para poder passa-lo para as formas negativa e interrogativa, o auxiliar did exige que o verbo seja colocado novamente em sua forma natural (básica), pois a presença do did ao lado de um verbo por si só indica que ele está no passado simples.
Frases Negativas
Observe as seguintes frases:
Mark liked clean things. He didn’t like dirty places. (Mark gostava de coisas limpas. Ele não gostava de lugares sujos.)
He helped his mother and he didn’t study. (Ele ajudava a sua mãe e ele não estudava).
* As primeiras frases são afirmativas, portanto o verbo está flexionado. Ao formamos uma frase negativa, dispensa-se a flexão e acrescenta-se did not ou a sua forma contra didn’t.
Frases Interrogativas
Para a construção das frases interrogativas, coloca-se o verbo auxiliar did antes do sujeito da frase e recoloca-se o verbo em sua forma básica.
Present Perfect
Expressar uma ação que aconteceu num passado recente, porém não determinado.
Quando? --> não está determinado, mas subentende-se que foi recentemente;ou ação que acabou de acontecer, caso em que se usa o advérbio just (agora mesmo).
Quando? --> agora mesmo
Outros advérbios comumente empregados com o Present Perfect neste uso são:
already (já), em frases afirmativas: he has already painted the room.
yet (já), em perguntas: Has she washed the car yet?
(ainda não), em frases negativas: He hasn't washed the cart yet.
ever (já, alguma vez), em perguntas: Has he ever visited Disneyworld?
never (nunca), em frases com sentido negativo: he has never visited Disney word.
Sujeito + verbo to have + verbo principal (partícipio passado do verbo principal).Ex.: I/You/We/They have painted.
He/She/It has painted.
Ex.: I/You/We/They have not (haven't) painted.
He/She/It has not (hasn't) painted.
Have I/You/We/They painted?
Has He/She/It painted?
Sendo assim, podemos concluir que o Simple Past é usado:
Para ações que se completaram no passado em tempo definido estabelecido na frase.
Ex: He died in 1908. (Ele morreu em 1908).
Em contextos que nos reportem ao passado, mesmo desprovido de indicação temporal.
Ex: I’m sorry about last night. The train was 10 minutes late. (Desculpe-me sobre a noite passada. O trem estava 10 minutos atrasado).
O Simple Past é um tempo verbal simples, formado apenas por um verbo principal flexionado na forma do passado, e que faz uso do verbo auxiliar apenas nas formas interrogativas e negativas.
A flexão do verbo no passado será feita diferentemente para verbos regulares e irregulares. Os verbos regulares recebem a terminação –ed para formar o passado.
Os tempos verbais simples necessitam de um verbo auxiliar para formarem frases interrogativas e negativas. O Simple Past usará o verbo auxiliar did para todas as pessoas, indistintamente. Da mesma forma que o Simple Present na terceira pessoa do singular requer que o “s” seja retirado do verbo que já está flexionado para poder passa-lo para as formas negativa e interrogativa, o auxiliar did exige que o verbo seja colocado novamente em sua forma natural (básica), pois a presença do did ao lado de um verbo por si só indica que ele está no passado simples.
Frases Negativas
Observe as seguintes frases:
Mark liked clean things. He didn’t like dirty places. (Mark gostava de coisas limpas. Ele não gostava de lugares sujos.)
He helped his mother and he didn’t study. (Ele ajudava a sua mãe e ele não estudava).
* As primeiras frases são afirmativas, portanto o verbo está flexionado. Ao formamos uma frase negativa, dispensa-se a flexão e acrescenta-se did not ou a sua forma contra didn’t.
Frases Interrogativas
Para a construção das frases interrogativas, coloca-se o verbo auxiliar did antes do sujeito da frase e recoloca-se o verbo em sua forma básica.
Present Perfect
Expressar uma ação que aconteceu num passado recente, porém não determinado.
Quando? --> não está determinado, mas subentende-se que foi recentemente;ou ação que acabou de acontecer, caso em que se usa o advérbio just (agora mesmo).
Quando? --> agora mesmo
Outros advérbios comumente empregados com o Present Perfect neste uso são:
already (já), em frases afirmativas: he has already painted the room.
yet (já), em perguntas: Has she washed the car yet?
(ainda não), em frases negativas: He hasn't washed the cart yet.
ever (já, alguma vez), em perguntas: Has he ever visited Disneyworld?
never (nunca), em frases com sentido negativo: he has never visited Disney word.
Sujeito + verbo to have + verbo principal (partícipio passado do verbo principal).Ex.: I/You/We/They have painted.
He/She/It has painted.
Ex.: I/You/We/They have not (haven't) painted.
He/She/It has not (hasn't) painted.
Have I/You/We/They painted?
Has He/She/It painted?
Trabalho Turma 101 Presente Perfeito
Atividade para t. 101 colégio União
Responder em folha a parte e entregar até dia 12 /09
( Não aceitarei após essa data. )
Present Perfect - Positive 1
Make the positive present perfect
1) (I / study / French)
2) (She / eat / octopus)
3) (They / go / to Scotland)
4) (We / read / that book)
5) (He / live / here for three years)
6) (You / know / David for ten years)
7) (We / be / here for two weeks)
8) (I / lose / my keys)
9) (He / drink / too much coffee)
10) (They / miss / the train)
Make the negative present perfect
1) (We / not / go / to Paris)
2) (She / not / see / ‘The Lord of the Rings’)
3) (He / not / meet / my mother)
4) (They / not / visit / St. Paul’s)
5) (I / not / know / him for three months)
6) (You / not / study / French for ten years)
Make present perfect questions
1) (They / go / to the USA)?
2) (You / read / ‘War and Peace’)?
3) (She / be / late for a meeting)?
4) (He / meet / your family yet)?
5) (They / live / here as long as we have)?
6) (You / go / to Australia)?
7) (She / miss / the bus)?
Fill in the blanks with just, already or yet.
1) I want to watch TV, but I haven’t finished writing the sales report ___________.
2) A: Where is Taner?
B: He has __________ arrived. He is having a shower.
3) Have you seen the new film of Demi Moore __________?
4) I don’t want to eat anything. I’ve ___________eaten two cheeseburgers.
5) Although they’re playing very well, they haven’t scored a goal
Responder em folha a parte e entregar até dia 12 /09
( Não aceitarei após essa data. )
Present Perfect - Positive 1
Make the positive present perfect
1) (I / study / French)
2) (She / eat / octopus)
3) (They / go / to Scotland)
4) (We / read / that book)
5) (He / live / here for three years)
6) (You / know / David for ten years)
7) (We / be / here for two weeks)
8) (I / lose / my keys)
9) (He / drink / too much coffee)
10) (They / miss / the train)
Make the negative present perfect
1) (We / not / go / to Paris)
2) (She / not / see / ‘The Lord of the Rings’)
3) (He / not / meet / my mother)
4) (They / not / visit / St. Paul’s)
5) (I / not / know / him for three months)
6) (You / not / study / French for ten years)
Make present perfect questions
1) (They / go / to the USA)?
2) (You / read / ‘War and Peace’)?
3) (She / be / late for a meeting)?
4) (He / meet / your family yet)?
5) (They / live / here as long as we have)?
6) (You / go / to Australia)?
7) (She / miss / the bus)?
Fill in the blanks with just, already or yet.
1) I want to watch TV, but I haven’t finished writing the sales report ___________.
2) A: Where is Taner?
B: He has __________ arrived. He is having a shower.
3) Have you seen the new film of Demi Moore __________?
4) I don’t want to eat anything. I’ve ___________eaten two cheeseburgers.
5) Although they’re playing very well, they haven’t scored a goal
segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011
Get caught reading Book club- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
[Level 3: Elementary] Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr Jekyll's scientific investigations are detached and professional. He wants to explore his own character through study and self experimentation. He is looking to separate his two personalities the good and the evil. But soon after his success, he finds himself under the control of a darker, evil, driving force. A gripping story that will keep you until the end.
[Level 3: Elementary] Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr Jekyll's scientific investigations are detached and professional. He wants to explore his own character through study and self experimentation. He is looking to separate his two personalities the good and the evil. But soon after his success, he finds himself under the control of a darker, evil, driving force. A gripping story that will keep you until the end.
Get caught Reading Book club - Sister Love Reading activities
Abstract :
Oxford University Press, USA, 2008 - 56 páginas
Bassett, John Escott
"Some sisters are good friends, some are not. Sometimes there is more hate in a family than there is love. Karin is beautiful and has lots of men friends, but she can be very unkind to her sister Marcia. Perhaps when they were small, there was love between them, but that was a long time ago. They say that everybody has one crime in them. Perhaps they only take an umbrella that does not belong to them. Perhaps they steal from a shop, perhaps they get angry and hit someone, perhaps they kill ..." --
terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011
Pronomes possessivos adjetivos
1. Pronomes Possessivos Adjetivos (Possessive Adjectives):
Os adjetivos possessivos modificam substantivos, portanto aparecem sempre acompanhados de substantivos.
a) Os Pronomes Possessivos Adjetivos (Possessive Adjectives) precedem substantivos.
Pronomes Possessivos Adjetivos Possessive Adjectives Pronome Possessivos Substantivos Possessive Pronouns
my (meu, minha)
your (teu, tua, seu, sua)
his (dele)
her (dela)
its (dele, dela )(neutro)
our (nosso, nossa)
your (vosso, vossa, seu, sua, de vocês)
My jacket is new. (Minha jaqueta é nova.)
Our car is red. (Nosso carro é vermelho.)
Os adjetivos possessivos modificam substantivos, portanto aparecem sempre acompanhados de substantivos.
a) Os Pronomes Possessivos Adjetivos (Possessive Adjectives) precedem substantivos.
Pronomes Possessivos Adjetivos Possessive Adjectives Pronome Possessivos Substantivos Possessive Pronouns
my (meu, minha)
your (teu, tua, seu, sua)
his (dele)
her (dela)
its (dele, dela )(neutro)
our (nosso, nossa)
your (vosso, vossa, seu, sua, de vocês)
My jacket is new. (Minha jaqueta é nova.)
Our car is red. (Nosso carro é vermelho.)
domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011
quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2011
Para turma 51 e Para meus alunos da Barragem Sanchuri - revisão e reforço do Verbo to Be
Animated and Audio Flashcards for Kids - Motions / Verbs
Videos com imagens animadas / Verbos
sábado, 16 de julho de 2011
OTA - Oxford Teachers Academy
TREINAMENTO – Oxford Teacher’s Academy
Last June 30th, July 1st and 2nd, I was in Porto Alegre participating of another OTA. As always it was amazing! Among tons of teachers we were asked to think and re-think on each and every single way we normally use to teach anything.
It was tiring, but amazingly comfortable to be with such talented group of teachers and speakers as well. Nina Lauden, Mary and Robert were terrific. Robert taught as some words in Hungarian nd we had a lot of fun trying to pronouce such strange sounds to us and here I am to pass it to you.
But today just one word.
Hungarian English Portugues
Alma / olma / apple maçã
This year's OTA demanded a lot of work from us, we had to be focused all the time on the way we teache and the way we are going to teach from now on.
I want once nore to thank the Oxford Team : Márcio Canto, Maúricio and André for having invited me once more to be part of it. It was great from the beggining to the last minute of it.
Thank you all. Ops Thanks Teacher Gaby too for being there for me. You know what I mean.
Love ya. LOL
Last June 30th, July 1st and 2nd, I was in Porto Alegre participating of another OTA. As always it was amazing! Among tons of teachers we were asked to think and re-think on each and every single way we normally use to teach anything.
It was tiring, but amazingly comfortable to be with such talented group of teachers and speakers as well. Nina Lauden, Mary and Robert were terrific. Robert taught as some words in Hungarian nd we had a lot of fun trying to pronouce such strange sounds to us and here I am to pass it to you.
But today just one word.
Hungarian English Portugues
Alma / olma / apple maçã
This year's OTA demanded a lot of work from us, we had to be focused all the time on the way we teache and the way we are going to teach from now on.
I want once nore to thank the Oxford Team : Márcio Canto, Maúricio and André for having invited me once more to be part of it. It was great from the beggining to the last minute of it.
Thank you all. Ops Thanks Teacher Gaby too for being there for me. You know what I mean.
Love ya. LOL
terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011
Que tal ir treinando para o ENEM ?
1 - Complete com simple present ou present continuous:
John __________ (watch) TV now but he __________ (not - understand) what the reporter __________ (say). It __________ (seem) to him that she __________ (speak) French.
2 - Complete com when ou while
a) She was watching TV _____ he was reading a book.
b) She was cooking _____ her daughter was on the phone.
c) They got home _____ the match ended.
3 - Will ou going to ?
a) "I (will buy - am going to buy) a new laptop computer at the mall when we finish our class tonight, Julia, Would you like to go with me ?"
"Thanks, Mary. That´s a great idea. Maybe I (will buy - am going to buy) one myself too."
4 - Present Perfect ou simple past ?
Maria: "Last Saturday my boyfriend and I (went - have gone) to a new nightclub downtown."
Laura: "That´s great news. (Has it been - Was it) good ? I (have never been - have never gone - never was - never went)to one here since I came from the USA."
5 - Qual a voz passiva de :
a) I took my daughter to school yesterday.
b) My teacher has already taught me this subject.
John __________ (watch) TV now but he __________ (not - understand) what the reporter __________ (say). It __________ (seem) to him that she __________ (speak) French.
2 - Complete com when ou while
a) She was watching TV _____ he was reading a book.
b) She was cooking _____ her daughter was on the phone.
c) They got home _____ the match ended.
3 - Will ou going to ?
a) "I (will buy - am going to buy) a new laptop computer at the mall when we finish our class tonight, Julia, Would you like to go with me ?"
"Thanks, Mary. That´s a great idea. Maybe I (will buy - am going to buy) one myself too."
4 - Present Perfect ou simple past ?
Maria: "Last Saturday my boyfriend and I (went - have gone) to a new nightclub downtown."
Laura: "That´s great news. (Has it been - Was it) good ? I (have never been - have never gone - never was - never went)to one here since I came from the USA."
5 - Qual a voz passiva de :
a) I took my daughter to school yesterday.
b) My teacher has already taught me this subject.
Atividade Para T 71 do colégio União
Simple Present
(3a. pessoa singular: infinitive + 's ou es em verbos terminados em s,sh, ch, x,o e z
I speak
you speak
he / she / it speaks
we speak
they speak
Presente Progressivo ou Contínuo
Formação : Be ( am, is , are + verbo principal no - ing )
I am speaking
you are speaking
he / she / it is speaking
we are speaking
they are speaking
I -Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).
1.Look! He (leave) ................... the house.
2.Quiet please! I (write).............. a test.
3.She usually (walk)................ to school.
4.But look! Today she (go) ............... by bike.
5.Every Sunday we (go) ................. to see my grandparents.
6.He often (go).................. to the cinema.
7.We (play)......................... Monopoly at the moment.
8.The child seldom (cry)....................... .
9.I (not / do)........................... anything at the moment.
10.(watch / he) ...................... the news regularly?
Example: Steve always ____ his bike in the afternoon. (to ride)
Answer: Steve always rides his bike in the afternoon.
1) Andy sometimes .................. comics. (to read)
2) We never................. TV in the morning. (to watch)
3) Listen! Sandy ................ in the bathroom. (to sing)
4) My sister usually .................. in the kitchen. (to help)
5) My mother ...................... breakfast now. (to make)
6) They often ...................... the bathroom. (to clean)
7) Look! The boys ......................... home. (to come)
8) Every day his grandfather .................. for a walk. (to go)
9) I ......................... with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
10) Cats .......................... mice. (to eat)
Gente amada, fazer os exercícios e entregar antes do dia 10 /07 . Beijos amo vocês.
kisses and kisses bye -bye - LOL
Simple Present
(3a. pessoa singular: infinitive + 's ou es em verbos terminados em s,sh, ch, x,o e z
I speak
you speak
he / she / it speaks
we speak
they speak
Presente Progressivo ou Contínuo
Formação : Be ( am, is , are + verbo principal no - ing )
I am speaking
you are speaking
he / she / it is speaking
we are speaking
they are speaking
I -Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).
1.Look! He (leave) ................... the house.
2.Quiet please! I (write).............. a test.
3.She usually (walk)................ to school.
4.But look! Today she (go) ............... by bike.
5.Every Sunday we (go) ................. to see my grandparents.
6.He often (go).................. to the cinema.
7.We (play)......................... Monopoly at the moment.
8.The child seldom (cry)....................... .
9.I (not / do)........................... anything at the moment.
10.(watch / he) ...................... the news regularly?
Example: Steve always ____ his bike in the afternoon. (to ride)
Answer: Steve always rides his bike in the afternoon.
1) Andy sometimes .................. comics. (to read)
2) We never................. TV in the morning. (to watch)
3) Listen! Sandy ................ in the bathroom. (to sing)
4) My sister usually .................. in the kitchen. (to help)
5) My mother ...................... breakfast now. (to make)
6) They often ...................... the bathroom. (to clean)
7) Look! The boys ......................... home. (to come)
8) Every day his grandfather .................. for a walk. (to go)
9) I ......................... with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
10) Cats .......................... mice. (to eat)
Gente amada, fazer os exercícios e entregar antes do dia 10 /07 . Beijos amo vocês.
kisses and kisses bye -bye - LOL
segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011
Atividade para t. 101 colégio União
Responder em folha a parte e entregar até dia 12 /09
( Não aceitarei após essa data. )
Present Perfect - Positive 1
Make the positive present perfect
1) (I / study / French)
2) (She / eat / octopus)
3) (They / go / to Scotland)
4) (We / read / that book)
5) (He / live / here for three years)
6) (You / know / David for ten years)
7) (We / be / here for two weeks)
8) (I / lose / my keys)
9) (He / drink / too much coffee)
10) (They / miss / the train)
Make the negative present perfect
1) (We / not / go / to Paris)
2) (She / not / see / ‘The Lord of the Rings’)
3) (He / not / meet / my mother)
4) (They / not / visit / St. Paul’s)
5) (I / not / know / him for three months)
6) (You / not / study / French for ten years)
Make present perfect questions
1) (They / go / to the USA)?
2) (You / read / ‘War and Peace’)?
3) (She / be / late for a meeting)?
4) (He / meet / your family yet)?
5) (They / live / here as long as we have)?
6) (You / go / to Australia)?
7) (She / miss / the bus)?
Fill in the blanks with just, already or yet.
1) I want to watch TV, but I haven’t finished writing the sales report ___________.
2) A: Where is Taner?
B: He has __________ arrived. He is having a shower.
3) Have you seen the new film of Demi Moore __________?
4) I don’t want to eat anything. I’ve ___________eaten two cheeseburgers.
5) Although they’re playing very well, they haven’t scored a goal _________.
6) Look! He has __________crashed that lo
( Não aceitarei após essa data. )
Present Perfect - Positive 1
Make the positive present perfect
1) (I / study / French)
2) (She / eat / octopus)
3) (They / go / to Scotland)
4) (We / read / that book)
5) (He / live / here for three years)
6) (You / know / David for ten years)
7) (We / be / here for two weeks)
8) (I / lose / my keys)
9) (He / drink / too much coffee)
10) (They / miss / the train)
Make the negative present perfect
1) (We / not / go / to Paris)
2) (She / not / see / ‘The Lord of the Rings’)
3) (He / not / meet / my mother)
4) (They / not / visit / St. Paul’s)
5) (I / not / know / him for three months)
6) (You / not / study / French for ten years)
Make present perfect questions
1) (They / go / to the USA)?
2) (You / read / ‘War and Peace’)?
3) (She / be / late for a meeting)?
4) (He / meet / your family yet)?
5) (They / live / here as long as we have)?
6) (You / go / to Australia)?
7) (She / miss / the bus)?
Fill in the blanks with just, already or yet.
1) I want to watch TV, but I haven’t finished writing the sales report ___________.
2) A: Where is Taner?
B: He has __________ arrived. He is having a shower.
3) Have you seen the new film of Demi Moore __________?
4) I don’t want to eat anything. I’ve ___________eaten two cheeseburgers.
5) Although they’re playing very well, they haven’t scored a goal _________.
6) Look! He has __________crashed that lo
quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011
Voz Passiva 2
Não entendeu nada da explicação da Voz Passiva?
Tente de novo
Consideremos a frase seguinte na voz activa (active voice): | |
John wrote the letter. | O João escreveu a carta. |
Para convertê-la na voz passiva (passive voice), siga as quatro etapas seguintes: | |
(a) o complemento directo the letter na voz activa passa-se a ser o sujeito na voz passiva: | |
The letter ... | A carta ... |
(b) o verbo auxiliar be (no mesmo tempo em que o verbo wrote na voz activa se encontra) é adicionado na voz passiva: | |
The letter was ... | A carta foi ... |
(c) o verbo wrote na voz activa passa-se a estar no particípio passado na voz passiva: | |
The letter was written ... | A carta foi escrita ... |
(d) o sujeito John na voz activa é introduzido por by a seguir ao verbo na voz passiva: | |
The letter was written by John. | A carta foi escrita pelo João. |
2 Mais exemplos: | |
They sell flowers. | Eles vendem flores. |
Flowers are sold (by them) (1). | Vendem-se (2) flores. |
Peter made an offer. | O Pedro fez uma oferta. |
An offer was made by Peter. | Uma oferta foi feita pelo Pedro. |
The shop will deliver the parcel. | A loja entregará o embrulho. |
The parcel will be delivered by the shop. | O embrulho será entregue pela loja. |
(1) como se desconhece o agente da acção they, a expressão by them é aqui irrelevante e convinha ser removida |
(2) em português, o verbo reflexivo é por vezes empregue em vez da voz passiva |
Voz Passiva
É quando o objeto de uma oração direta passa a ser sujeito de uma oração indireta.
Regra Geral: Para passar uma oração para a voz passiva, coloca-se o verbo to be no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo principal da oração na ativa, que é necessariamente passado para o particípio.
É quando o objeto de uma oração direta passa a ser sujeito de uma oração indireta.
Regra Geral: Para passar uma oração para a voz passiva, coloca-se o verbo to be no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo principal da oração na ativa, que é necessariamente passado para o particípio.
Isto é, voz passiva é:
Simple Present: Simple Past: Future: Present Continuous: Past Continuous: Conditional: Present Perfect: Past Perfect: | am / is / are (not) was / were (not) will be is / are being + PARTICIPLE was / were being ex: done, taken, grow, etc. would / may be has / have been had been |
Lista de transformações:
Voz ativa | Voz passiva |
writes (simple present) | is / are written |
wrote(simple past) | was / were written |
was / were writing (past continous) | was / were being written |
have / has written (present perfect) | has / have been written |
had written (past perfect) | had been written |
would write (conditional) | would be written |
will write (future) | will be written |
Exemplos (primeiramente na voz ativa, em seguida na voz passiva):
•They will write that letter. (Eles escreverão aquela carta).
That letter will be written by them. (Aquela carta será escrita por eles).
Note que ambas as orações são compostas da seguinte forma: Sujeito+Verbo+Objeto, e o que é objeto em uma é sujeito na outra.
• Somebody cleans the office every day. (Alguém limpa o escritório todo dia).
The office is cleaned every day. (O escritório é limpo todo dia).
Note a mudança do verbo: na oração na voz ativa o verbo se encontra apenas no Simple Present, já na voz passiva existe uma locução verbal entre o verbo to be no presente e o verbo principal clean no particípio cleaned.
•Somebody cleaned the office yesterday. (Alguém limpou o escritório ontem).
The office was cleaned yesterday. (O escritório foi limpo ontem).
O mesmo exemplo, porém no passado.
•People have watched the World Cup. (As pessoas assistiram à Copa do Mundo).
The World Cup have been watched. (A Copa do Mundo foi assistida – veja que, no português padrão, não existe a forma passiva dessa oração, já que o verbo assistir, nesse contexto, é transitivo indireto).
Note, que neste caso não há necessidade de inserir “by people” (pelas pessoas) na voz passiva.
•Picasso painted “Guernica”. (Picasso pintou “Guernica”).
“Guernica” was painted by Picasso. (“Guernica” foi pintada por Picasso).
•South Africa produces about half of the world’s gold. (A África do Sul produz cerca de metade do ouro do mundo).
About half of the world’s gold is produced by South Africa. (Cerca de metade do ouro do mundo é produzida pela África do Sul).
•Anyone can plant a tree. (Qualquer um pode plantar uma árvore).
A tree can be planted by anyone. (Uma árvore pode ser plantada por qualquer um).
•Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”. (Shakespeare escreveu “Romeu e Julieta”).
“Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare. (“Romeu e Julieta” foi escrito por Shakespeare).
•Somebody is painting the door. (Alguém está pintando a porta).
The door is being painted. (A porta está sendo pintada).
Passado perfeito
O Past Perfect é usado para descrever uma ação que ocorreu no passado, antes de outra ação também passada. Observe as formas e os usos deste tempo verbal:
O Past Perfect é formado com o passado simples do verbo to have (had), que funciona como auxiliar do verbo principal, seguido do past participle (particípio passado) do verbo principal. Lembre-se de que o particípio passado dos verbos regulares terminam em -ed e os verbos irregulares possuem forma própria (ver verbos irregulares). Observe as formas desse tempo verbal:
The film had already started when we got to the cinema.
(O filme já tinha começado quando chegamos ao cinema.)
(O filme já tinha começado quando chegamos ao cinema.)
Compare: The film started when we got to the cinema - As duas ações ocorreram ao mesmo tempo, diferente do que ocorre no Past Perfect, onde ambas ações ocorrem no passado, porém uma antes da outra.
The mall had already closed when I arrived there. (O shopping já tinha fechado quando cheguei lá.)
A Forma Negativa do Past Perfect forma-se acrescentando not ao verbo auxiliar, que é o passado simples do verbo to have (had).
The couch got soaked because they had not closed the window while it was raining.
(O sofá ficou encharcado porque eles não tinham fechado a janela enquanto estava chovendo.)
(O sofá ficou encharcado porque eles não tinham fechado a janela enquanto estava chovendo.)
![]() | I hadn't heard you knocking the door because I was sleeping. (Não ouvi você bater na porta porque estava dormindo.) Peter hadn't realized that the place was so dangerous. (Pedro não tinha se dado conta de que o lugar era tão perigoso.) |
Na Forma Interrogativa do Past Perfect, o verbo had posiciona-se antes do sujeito da oração:
Had the train already left when you got to the station? (O trem já tinha partido quando você chegou à estação?) Had you already had dinnner when I called to you? (Você já tinha jantado quando eu liguei?) | ![]() |
Had she read the book before seeing the movie?
(Ela tinha lido o livro antes de assistir ao filme?)
(Ela tinha lido o livro antes de assistir ao filme?)
Advérbios Too e not enough
Adverbs: Too and Enough
Adverbs & Adjetives: Too & Enough
Usado para falar sobre adjetivos e advérbios em termos de execesso (too), adequação (enough), ou inadequação (not enough).
Usado para falar sobre adjetivos e advérbios em termos de execesso (too), adequação (enough), ou inadequação (not enough).
Too + Adjetivo ou Advérbio = excesso
» This restaurante is too expensive. I'm not coming here again!
» I'm too fat; i must lose weight!
» I'm too fat; i must lose weight!
Adjetivo ou Advérbio + Enough = Adequação
Adjetivo ou Advérbio + Enough = Adequação
» I'm strong enough to lift that case.
Not (-n't) + Adjetivo/Advério + Enough = Inadequação
Not (-n't) + Adjetivo/Advério + Enough = Inadequação
» Don't go skating there; the ice isn't thick enough
» We lost the match because we didn't play well enough.
» We lost the match because we didn't play well enough.
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